Free Florida Sublease Agreement | PDF | WORD | Template

Florida Sublease Agreement is a legal contract signed by a sublessor to allow the sub-tenancy with the due permission of the original apartment owner. Such type of subleasing is suitable during sharing a residential property or a part of it with the subtenant. This legal agreement grants the right to the tenant to accept monthly rent and a security deposit from the subtenant. However, the tenant is responsible for the rent payment to the apartment owner in spite of any financial agreement with the subtenant. All parties must sign this agreement along with the landlord in consent to sublease. It is essential that the tenant acquires Rental Application Form from the subtenant for evaluation of credentials and eligibility. Please enclose original lease agreement and inventory checklist along with the agreement. A witness must acknowledge the signatures of the tenant and subtenant on this document. Use space reserved for additional provisions in case you want to enclose extra terms of tenancy not covered in this document. Please remember that tenure of subleasing cannot exceed the date of termination of the original lease agreement.

Step to Prepare Florida Sublease Agreement

  • Begin by entering the legal name of the subtenant.
  • Enter the physical address of the property.
  • Enter tenant’s legal name on the next line.
  • Continue by entering the apartment number, the name of the city, state name, and zip code on the respective lines.
  • Specify the purpose for subleasing the property.
  • Describe appliances and furniture available on the premises.
  • Enter dates of commencement and termination of the sublease.
  • Then enter the amount of security deposit payable by the subtenant to the tenant and the due date for remittance of the security deposit on the respective lines.
  • Enter information about rent like the amount of the monthly rent in US dollar, the due date for rent remittance each month, name of the person to remit the rent, the address of the person, or address to mail the rent payment.
  • Use space for additional provisions, if any. Please add extra terms or conditions of the tenancy if you find them necessary in this portion of the sublease agreement. Leave blank or strike out otherwise.
  • Enter the date of the original lease enclosed with the sublease contract in required format.
  • Enter tenant’s name, permanent address, telephone number, and email address on the respective lines. The tenant must sign before a witness and acquire witness acknowledgment.
  • Enter subtenant’s name, permanent address, telephone number, and email address on the respective lines. The subtenant must sign before a witness and acquire witness acknowledgment.
  • Please enter landlord’s name, permanent address, phone number, and email address. The landlord must sign the agreement to permit subleasing.
  • Confirm if a copy of the original lease agreement between the landlord and tenant is attached.
  • Confirm if the inventory checklist is attached to the sublease agreement.
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