Free New York Rental Application Form | PDF | WORD | Template

Owner of a residential apartment in New York State requires duly filled New York Rental Application Form from an applying tenant for evaluation of the credentials of the tenant. Please remember that this form is suitable for assessing applying tenant of a residential property. This two-page form has numerous spaces for the input from the applicant requesting information about employment, personal details, previous residential status, other sources of income, emergency contact, and proposed residents on the premises. The applicant must prepare this application form in its entirety and submit it to the property owner for evaluation.

How to Fill New York Rental Application Form

Please remember that each person proposing residing at the property and has attained the age 18 years or more must submit a separate application form in addition to the primary applicant. Enter the building address and apartment number in the foremost portion of the form to commence with.

Step 1: Personal Information

  • Enter applicant’s first and last name along with middle initials.
  • Provide information about gender, phone numbers, SSN, driver license number, state of license issuance, date of birth, and select one option to describe marital status.

Step 2: Present Rental Information

  • Specify present residential address along with particulars like name and phone number of the present landlord.
  • Continue by specifying the rent amount and reason for leaving the residence.

Step 3: Previous Rental Information

  • Specify previous residential address along with particulars like name and phone number of the previous landlord.
  • Then specify the rent amount and reason for leaving the residence.

Step 4: Employment Information

  • Provide current employment information like occupation, name of employer and supervisor, phone and fax number of the employer or HR department, supervisor’s phone number, income after deductions and select income mode, tenure at present job, and working hours in the respective spaces.

Step 5: Second Job Employment Information

  • Please specify second job employment information if any like occupation, name of employer and supervisor, phone and fax number of employer or HR department, supervisor’s phone number, income after deductions and select income mode, tenure at present job, and working hours in respective spaces.

Step 6: Other Income Sources

  • Please provide monthly amounts of additional income sources from SSI, Child Support, or Food Stamps and specify other sources if any.

Step 7: Emergency Contact Information

  • Please give emergency contact information for up to two persons like name, phone number, name of the city and state, and relationship with the applicant.

Step 8: Rental Assistance

  • Specify information about rental assistance if any, in the respective spaces.

Step 9: Residency Information

  • Please describe name, gender, date of birth, and relationship to the applicant for each proposed applicant.
  • Count and specify total adults and children below 18 years.

Step 10: Legal Information

  • Please fill out answers to all six questions as applicable or mark your response as no if not applicable.

Please give information about reference if any, and sign as applicant after entering the date. You may choose to add remarks for additional credence to your application if any on the next line.

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